Congratulations Ryan Hook at Magnolia Elementary!
I am requesting $875 to purchase a one-year subscription of Gizmos from Explore Learning. Gizmos are interactive online math and science simulations that drive deep conceptual understanding through inquiry-based learning. With Gizmos, a teacher can take difficult concepts and provide an environment where their students can visualize, experiment, and draw their own conclusions. Gizmos not only create an effective learning environment, they are also fun for students to use. Why are Gizmos needed? With the restrictions placed on the sharing of materials due to COVID-19, hands-on learning opportunities have been difficult to provide to my students this year. Inquiry and discovery are the foundation of a high-quality science curriculum, so the limitations placed on hands-on experiences have been a great loss for our students. Gizmos will benefit students by giving them the opportunity visualize, experiment, and draw conclusions again. Gizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. There are over 400 Gizmos available covering topics and concepts in math and science for grades 3-12, and they are linked to our standards. They help students dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts. In three words, Gizmos are challenging, interactive, and innovative.
Each Gizmo simulation provides Student Exploration Sheets that guide the learners through the process of manipulating the Gizmo, analyzing outcomes, drawing conclusions, and making connections. Students’ work will be analyzed as they complete their Student Exploration Sheets as well as answer online assessment questions that accompany each Gizmo simulation. Furthermore, student success will be evaluated through formative and informal assessments such as classroom discussions, one-on-one teacher/student discussions, and teacher observation. Furthermore, students’ overall understanding of science concepts will be demonstrated on state tests and evident in their future science courses.
The subscription to Gizmos will be implemented by Mrs. Ryan Hook, the fifth grade science teacher at Magnolia, and every fifth grade student will participate.